dinosaur – gikro

Take for instance a dinosaur. One of my constructed species had co-existence with dinosaurs in the beginning of their existence. Being lizards, well that kind of fits doesn’t it. If there had ever really been lizard things here, then it’s likely they would have been around back then. So anyhow, they called the great beasts gikro. How might this have arrived from bases of food, illness, release and pride?


Some crazy fools would have tried to hunt or even more insanely attempted to tame them. Success in those areas (or just surviving an encounter with one) would have given a source of intense pride. Illness, well that’s another one of those things. Some things you only eat once and dinosaur flesh would likely have caused some food poisoning since it’s sure the left overs would have spoiled without refrigeration. (Or by what the creature ate last). Like those puffer fish of today’s culture. If you survived eating it you’d have intense pride, everyone else just got really sick and / or died. This would have led to interesting coming of age rituals and some matching sports to remember. So whatever it would have been called at first, the name would have quickly been changed to this to warn future generations of the dangers!

Not a far cry from that to modern times when flying a gravity manipulation craft manually serves as a coming to age ritual. That’s what happened in Roswell in my con culture, a lizard juvenile brown snout didn’t hit the gravity right and met the planet up close and personal.  Like a lizard would say: “The ground comes fast!” especially when duking it out with gravity.


Conjunctions in Hanian can at times be fun. This is true with the few words used to say and; used to combine concepts together with each other in a sentence. In Hanian ke is a base. It’s used as a combiner, meaning to add without applying force, energy or effort. If one isn’t sure which one to use, simply use ke.

ke“and else”; used as conventional and – [ke]

kezand second, and also; used for groups as connection [kez]
* husband and wife; planet and moonall groups regardless of equal or non equal.

keadand now, and immediately, and this time [ke ; ad]

daukenand then, and after  [dau ; ken]

kenarnow and then, now this and then that, now and later [ke ; nar]

ekevaand / or [e ; ke ; va]
* do both / all, or this is the result; also used as an “and do, or get out of the way”
this is rude.

ekez – and / or also [e ; kez]
*this is kind of to say you can have either or, but you can also choose both.



A few quick Hanian modifiers:

In Hanian suffixes and prefixes do not exist, yet modifiers do. Plenty of them in fact. So here are a few of them dealing with categorizing in a very specific manner.

zlish – enable, enabled, something which makes something happen or helps

vad – doing it now; at this very moment, is now, being, etc (used for emphasis with verbs)
taulotau ; lo in the past; was in the past
oltaol ; ta– in the future, will be or become in the future

ratara ; ta thing which belongs to someone, mod for mine, yours, etc

end – to or of (location)
ond – location modifier

dovodo ; vo person who does

tapt – thing that does (on it’s own) like a program…
taptotap ; to machine, thing that lets you do X

The most famous modifier? That would have to be she, which means to take any concept and change it to the opposite meaning, usually for emphasis. So to say anti – love is to say hate with a bit of extra flair to it. It’s not pronounced like he or she though, but rather like sheh.  The e sounds like in the beginning of Shelby or Sherlock. Stick an eh on it and you’re doing great!

All of these are placed before the word they modify. It’s just a small sample of what’s going to be available when it is all said and done. Not sure if this exists in other languages or if it’s a new word form.

ten bases

The first ten bases:

What is a base? It’s the smallest fragment of Hanian, each taking several meanings. They are used to create and define words in the language. Without it, you will have a harder time learning the language since about 85% of the words have most of their meaning encoded in these bases. Think of it this way, you use the bases to discover obvious and hidden meanings from words you find in the dictionary. Cool isn’t it?

ti – shining, bright, obvious – pronounce: tih
In many cases ti implies something bright and shining or that is bigger or more obvious.

o – individuality, me, I, voluntary – pronounce oh
o stands for the individual and for actions which are voluntary and not involving force.

va – go, move forward, motion, progress, movement – pronounce vah
It’s a movement and motion base, but is often also used to denote going and progressing.

uz – dark, darkness, night, black – pronounce uz
Anything involving darkness or night or the coloration of black; or the absence of light

ch – awareness, focus, paying attention – pronounce ch
ch base is also used for all elements such as water / fluids, earth / solids, dry, and so forth.

au – time, frequency, vibration, ripples – pronounce ow or au
In all cases it’s involving timing and vibrations, in some cases it can also denotes dimensions / alternatives.

iz – chaos, disorganized, messy – pronounce is
It is everything which is opposite of order; loud and disorderly, crazy and scattered about, damage.

bo – sweet, grow, farm; classification “grower” – pronounce boh
This involves everything with being sweet as well as farming and growing things.

eg – out, exclusive, external, without, out of, pushed out of – pronounce eg
Everything involving the location or determination of out as compared to in or pushed instead of pulled.

dj – structure, building, home, house. architecture – pronounce deye or di (diana)
Anything involving buildings and ones home as well as architectural things.

Learn these bases and you’ll find it much easier to work with words in Hanian. The list also gives you an idea of how diverse the base fragments are in the language. The whole list of bases is called the hoala (ho ; a ; la) which basically means source, beginning, end. Simply: the source / basis from beginning to end.

I’ll post more bases over a period of time to make them easier to learn and will show pronunciations better in Hanian. Once done I’ll show some cool stuff in regards to them, such as how even on larger scales they relate to each other.

Again, if you like this, comment and find two people you think might be interested in this language and send them here.

Glyph sample

Glyph Samples :

Just wanted to give an idea of what Hanian glyph – symbols look like so I used paint to make some of them. For those who are on CWS keep in mind that the markings I use there to show them are not entirely accurate, they are merely the closest I can arrange and find given what’s available. The shaka, tarul and zpagu show this nicely.

shaka glyph - sha - manifest reality -
shaka glyph – sha – manifest reality –
yaljn glyph - ya - nobility
yaljn glyph – ya – nobility
rrata glyph - rr - honor pride
rrata glyph – rr –        honor pride
zpagu glyph - zp - eyes vision
zpagu glyph – zp –       eyes vision


pitag glyph - pi - about concerning
pitag glyph – pi –        about concerning
tarul glyph - ta - thing tool
tarul glyph – ta –         thing tool
ivira glyph - iv - big large
ivira glyph – iv – big large

As can be seen by the examples, the symbols are not conventional in the least and they are of different varieties. Some are quite complex, as rrata and pitag show quite well.

Now how eerie would it look to see things like these on a sign and screens. Hope I succeeded in making them look and feel alien.


Punctuation in Hanian:

This is one of the more unique things about the language is the way how punctuation is handled. It is probably one of the few, if not the only language, having spoken punctuation. Some of them are quite forward and identical to
ones we use in English, but some aren’t.

nid – comma or segmentation break.
pha – period or concept break; ends it with no special case. As used in English.
dep – used like a period but my thought continues.Similar to a semi colon in English.
aaa – the energy ends here, kinda like a period, but not really. More like a change topic marker.
ped – period, my thought finishes but I wish input from you. Closest to a triple dot.
dop – exclamation point; sometimes used to emphasize a command.
pud – direct question mark; very pushy. Explain it to me; now!
muv – regular question mark, still solicits answer back; gentler form of tell me.
vid – half period; something like a list or coordinates or quantification follows.
shela – complete break of concept; the energy absolutely ends here! I’m done talking about this.

Be aware this is the words which are used in a sentence or a paragraph instead of the symbols we use here; they are written and spoken; as such they have each a word as can be seen above. Yes, some are rare, but others are quite specific.


Concepts which do not usually exist in other languages:

This is the one thing that makes Hanian very different from many other languages; feel free to use them as needed.

Call to meal – gizzipi

Primarily used to call people to a meal but it can also be used to say let’s eat.
The word is also used to call order during a meal.

bad situation bad mouth – abmul

Word used to describe someone who is clean spoken, unless situation is dire.
abmulta is a situation which would even make a nun speak harsh words.

goofball with friends, serious in front of higher ups – glorva

It means putting on a face of respect and seriousness in front of bosses / superiors; while being more relaxed around friends and those of equal status.

holdover – inkkad

Yes this is used a lot for saying layover, but it’s the general term for things such as those. It is used to say stop over. In addition it’s used to denote someone was held over a grade in school. Also can be used when someone holds something over someone’s head. Lastly it’s someone slowing someone else down, they are the “holdover”, being too needy.

before and among – nukend

We have words to say before someone, as in standing or laying before a person or thing. We also have words which mean to stand, sit or lay among people or things.
However, we have nothing that means both. Hanian does, since if you are standing among your coworkers but also before your bosses; then you are standing nukend — as these are two diverse groups. Used in the series during the datemk; I’ll talk more about that later.

out of time, day out of time, out of calendar day, leap day – kenddau

Yes, it’s the quick Hanian word used to say leap day. However, it’s used for any day out of time, something which is rare in our society. It might be very common in other cultures. Have you ever thought of using it to say you really need a vacation?
Or to describe those people who never look at what day it is because their life is amazing? Want to have a word to say that a culture or a person does not live by the clock, rather living life as it happens? Kenddau can be used to describe these circumstances with ease.

falling in love, after being friends for a while – rizuk

Yes, sometimes we fall in love immediately, at first sight. However, quite a few times it sneaks up on us when we are hanging out with friends. rizuk is anytime you are friends with someone and it turns into something more. The love just happens and it’s usually when it’s strongest

unable to decide, too many good choices – lizia

You know how you sometimes sit there and can’t decide, the choices being too good.
That’s lizia. Like when you take 15 minutes to look over a menu cause you can’t decide.

sweet water made with flowers – icha

A specific thing for a specific concept, usually served cool or chilled on hot days.

previously unknown or exotic food – gipod

Something that is really exotic and you’ve never had it before. It may or may not be according to your palette, but it’s definitely exotic, foreign or unusual. Flowers anyone?

danger via unfamiliar environment / surroundings – amtet

This can be anything from a bad neighborhood to being caught off guard in a foreign country and thus being out of your element. The dangers of the amazon rain forest for example, or trying to trek somewhere without a guide.

last gasp for breath, on the brink of death – trela

We have being on your death bed and we have dying and similar words and phrases. However, nothing is as specific to refer to the last gasp of breath or being on the brink of death. Except a medical term. However, in Hanian, you are covered. This incidentally is also used to point out that a situation isn’t as bad as imagined, yes you may be feeling ill and nasty, but you’re not trela!

someone unfitting for a high position – nidya

Either one is too young for a high position, or one is unfitting by other means. This can mean justified or unjustified a reason. And it does not have to be a very high position, it can be any specific thing that’s an honored position or an envied placement. A short person can be nidya for being a basketball player, while in some very strict places in the middle east someone could say that a person is nidya for being mayor of a city for being a woman.

the quietness late at night – uzwov

You know how your town is deathly quiet late at night, even if it’s a bustling metropolis during the day? Eerie if you’ve ever seen it ghost town deserted because everyone is resting, well that’s called uzwov in Hanian.

everything is wet – she’ach

The general term is used to say everything is quite wet after a rainstorm.
It can also refer to being  drenched to the bone or having very wet clothes.
Or to refer to a specific area being soaked, potentially even nearly flooded.
Ironic that the word simply means anti / no dry; like nothing was left dry.

too small / insignificant to see origins or result – nipahu

Yes, the general term for debatable is a lot more useful than just saying something is open for debate. It means that there was too small a sample to know for sure. Or someone is too young / small to see their origins or their future potential. This counts for things too. Or it’s too early in the morning to see where the day is going. nipahu can be used for any of these, just use additional words to show in which way you mean it. Start-ups should love this word with their investors or nagging people who lack faith, simply to say be patient, we’re too small to really know where we will be in five years.

natural turn of events – okdia

It means a natural turn of events. But it can also refer to a naturally progression, such as evolution or the like.

knowing something is dirty – ichrau

Knowing something is filthy or dirty just by seeing it. This can also mean that something is unhygienic or unsafe for sanitation or health. This word is used for unhygienic and unsanitary as a place word, but it’s meaning is much deeper.

forth meal – nozegi

Yes, Hanian has a word for the fourth meal, to describe the late night munchies.
Deeper than that, it’s also any snack or meal eaten when waking up during your sleeping time. Pregnant women can likely relate to that term. This is also used to describe predawn meals eaten by some religions to beat fasting times so they don’t drop. All these are nozegi.

inadequate protection from elements, in clothing – todvu

This does not mean being naked, it’s more of being dressed too scantily to protect from the elements. Most specifically it describes this status for the work being done or the environment it is being done in. It is also used to say you are dressed wrong for the occasion, showing up in jeans to a formal event or wearing a tank top at work in a professional office. Occasionally it can be used to call out someone who is dressed too scantily in public.

These are just a few of the complete unique concepts which have words in Hanian. There are hundreds of these in the language.

Want to learn more? Simply follow this blog and tell your friends!


Introducing Hanian:

Hanian is a constructed language created originally for use in a science fiction story universe. Spoken in universe by a collective of planet conquering aliens it has been specifically created to feel, sound and be alien. Since it’s used by the Yaranian (Yara for short) it is based on a culture which isn’t human, though many words commonly used on earth have been adapted and translated into the language. This was done not only to help increase contemporary use of the language but also because in universe the cultures clash when the Yara show up on earth in modern times. Of course being as they are they promptly colonize the same and proceed to rename everything under the sun into their speech; giving us things like tiny city beast, the spider.

The language is the product of many hours of work, since I spent a good 10, 000 hours of effort to create and perfect it word by word over the last two years. It’s ongoing in it’s construction and will likely be completed in several more years. However, it’s already more complete than many other constructed languages as it boasts a vocabulary of over 4000 words and can be used to communicate a number of complex concepts.

It wasn’t created to be like other languages, as such, it differs from them in many ways. Not only by how it looks or how it’s used but by the very way it is defined as a language. The things which set it apart are to numerous to list, so perhaps it’s best to just immerse yourself into it as I post about it here on this blog. I’m not a linguist so I won’t be using many fancy terms but rather let you discover cool things about it as you go along.

If you are a linguist you might appreciate various things in Hanian that aren’t conventionally found in other languages. Many of you reading this blog may also come across the language in writings or projects and thus become curious about it from those angles. For example, fans of the chaha series may find it fascinating to learn more about the yara culture, or simply wish to translate something scum happens to be saying to a beloved character in the books. Some may even enjoy learning the language themselves or talk about it to others sharing a cool new word they’ve seen here. Since it is used contemporary as well there may eventually be speakers and additional uses for this language.

I’m not only going to use this blog to showcase the language but also talk about it’s construction. In addition I’ll also post bits in it here for you to see; sometimes in context of the story series or other projects which may feature it. Lastly I will post study materials, word lists and whatever other creative ways of learning and teaching it I can get my hands on.

Hopefully some of you will come to love this language as much as I do and become as passionate as I have in the last few years.